52 Families #48

Zipporiah Mills is the Principal at PS 261. She is an amazing and well-liked Principal and it just had to be that she was included here. My family and I have made so many wonderful connections at Errolyn’s school and the teachers and staff are a part of that. Zip, or Ms. Mills as she is known in the halls, has three children. Her daughter, Zakiya, pictured here is a nurse. One of her sons is a police officer and his son Noah is also in this photo. Her youngest son is still in school but if he follows this civic-minded family's lead he’ll probably end up in the Fire Department. Zip bought this house in 1989 from her grandfather who bought it in 1969. I could feel the more than forty years of family history and love in this Queens Village home.

1 comment:

Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Nice photo and great knowledge of thier history.