52 Families #12

This week my life has been all about PS 261. The PTA held its annual spring auction, in which I was much involved.  It was a bit crazy but a huge success!  Apropos, this week's family belongs to 261's very own VP, Jackie Allen.  Jackie has worked at 261 for over 15 years.  Her daughter Sasha and son Julian both went to school there and now Sasha's daughter Sierra is a pupil.  

Please help me choose and let me know which portrait of the Allens you prefer.


Unknown said...

I like the one at the kitchenette cuz Jackie looks happier and Sierra's leg looks so cute in the pose.

BoerumHill Mom said...

Both are gorgeous - but I think I like the second slightly better as well.

Steph said...

I also prefer the kitchen photo. Even though the family is more spread out, the photo is more lighthearted due to Jackie's expression and Sierra's cute pose.